The article is about what is going to be placed on the brochure.
And that all residents of the area should look at the brochure and attend all the meetings.

Meeting located at Interlaken American Legion for proposed Interlaken-Ovid school merger.
Meeting will include facts about proposed merger and open questioning time.

This is an ad in the paper. It details that the school merger vote is being held at
Goodman Hotel Dining Room.

In this article, the boardmembers of Ovid and Interlaken discuss the brochure about the merger.

In this article, it voices a Interlaken teacher's opinion on the merger.

A hearing for the merger vote was set for July 9th 1968.
District Principal Maurice Patterson estimated that the budget for the next year
would increase by a few hundred thousand due to increases in salaries and employee benefits.

Merger upheld the court of appeals passed the merger, after some wanted
to overturn the merger. 15 ballots were void. Thomas Boyes and Jack VanNostrand
were the ones that challenged the original vote.

OG April 12, 1973. Article confirming the date set for the vote at which they will
decide the sight for the new school building. State education department
confirmed the Kannelin property is a satisfactory building area with the architect, James Mowery.

SSCS denied Resignation of Principle Maxson. The public had to speak out for him.